Dental Bonding

Dental Bondings and oral problems should not be the reason that you won’t smile. When a tooth has decayed, chipped, or has discoloration, it can still be reshaped, repaired, and restored through a simple and safe dental procedure known as cosmetic dental bonding. The procedure is considered as an alternative to an amalgam filling.

The procedure is normally recommended to close huge spaces or gaps in between teeth; restore chipped and discolored teeth due to decay and cavities; fix the length of the tooth to match the other teeth; change the shape of the teeth; and prevent oral pains caused by exposed gums and roots. Dental bondings for crooked teeth is also a popular treatment option.

Dental Bondings – The Procedure Explained

Dental bonding is an easy and affordable procedure which will require just one visit to the dentist. The procedure will normally take 30 to 60 minutes depending on the dental work needed. The dentist will usually advise you how long the procedure will take during the initial checkup. You can have the procedure done right away during your dental visit.

The actual procedure requires no anesthesia, as it is not as invasive as other dental procedures. However, if the tooth needs to be repaired and bonded but is majorly decayed, the dentist may opt to give you anesthesia to ensure that the procedure will not be too uncomfortable for you. The dentist may try working on the tooth without anesthesia first and depending on your pain tolerance, an anesthesia may or may not be required.

A composite resin is used as the bonding agent. The color of the resin to be used will depend on matching the color of your teeth. Using a shade guide, the dentist will try different resins to ensure that it will match your teeth flawlessly.

Once everything is ready, the dentist will isolate the tooth to be repaired. It will be etched in preparation for dental bonding. Etching creates small crevices on the tooth making it a bit rough. This allows the tooth to bond more strongly to the resin.

Then the dentist will then apply the bonding resin which glues the composite. The composite and resin will then be shaped. It will be hardened using an ultraviolet light. After making sure it is hard enough, it will be smoothed and polished. The dentist will make sure that you will not have any biting or chewing problem with the newly bonded tooth. At this point, the procedure is done and leaves our patients smiling about their results.

Dental Bondings for Crooked Teeth

Dental bonding has the following benefits:

  • It is one of the easiest dental procedures. In just a matter of 30 to 60 minutes, your tooth can be repaired.
  • It only requires a single dentist visit.
  • It is affordable compared to other dental procedures.
  • It is less invasive and requires no anesthesia injection.
  • Dental bondings for crooked teeth is an easy solution for a beautiful smile!
  • It removes the least amount of tooth enamel during the etching process.
  • It repairs decayed teeth and receding gums which can lead to other dental problems such as oral pain.
  • It restores confidence and your smile.

Call us today to schedule your consultation. Let us bring your smile back to life!

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37 East 28th Street #800
(Between Park Ave South and Madison Ave)
New York, NY 10016

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